by Becky Bounce | Feb 24, 2014 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
Fact: fewer women & girls are taking part in sport & fitness than men & boys. Clearly something isn’t right either in terms of the opportunities available, the way they are promoted or the message portrayed about sport & fitness in the media. Or...
by Becky Bounce | Feb 17, 2014 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
It’s about 6 weeks since we set our New Year fitness & weight loss goals so it’s time to evaluate how well we’ve been getting on and see what successes we’ve had. Don’t worry if you’ve ‘fallen off the wagon’...
by Becky Bounce | Feb 10, 2014 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
This week we look at which fats you need in your diet and which fats you don’t. Unsaturated fats are your good fats and should be included in your daily diet. Foods that contain good fats are nuts, seeds, olive oil, olives, avocado and oily fish. Good fats are...
by Becky Bounce | Feb 3, 2014 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
You may have watched last week’s BBC Horizon programme Fat vs Sugar, which saw two identical twin doctors comparing two very different diets – one high in fat and the other high in sugar. Expert opinion is split as to what has caused the 21st century obesity epidemic...