by Becky Bounce | Feb 27, 2018 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
In this week’s video blog, I talk about the main mistake that people make when trying to achieve their health, fitness & weight loss goals. It might sound really simple (and actually it really is) – it’s just not always EASY, but keep with it and...
by Becky Bounce | Feb 19, 2018 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
If you did your homework from last week (writing your goal achieving action plan) you’ll be ready for the next step in this week’s video blog above! Just watch the video above and make sure you get started this week so I can help you feel happier,...
by Becky Bounce | Feb 12, 2018 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
Continuing from last week’s video blog (about goal-setting), I give you the next step to help you achieve your health, fitness and weight loss goals. Watch the video above so I can help you feel happier, healthier, more energised & confident before Easter!...
by Becky Bounce | Feb 5, 2018 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
February is my favourite month of the year and not just because it’s my birthday-month! I feel so inspired and energised now I’ve settled in to the new year and I’m ready to achieve my own goals and help you achieve yours too! If you need some help...