by Becky Bounce | Mar 29, 2016 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
This week, I want to share with you, my favourite session plan for burning lots of calories, working lots of different muscles & getting you fit! (Perfect if you’ve indulged over the Easter weekend) The session is simple, but not necessarily easy! It’s...
by Becky Bounce | Mar 21, 2016 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
This week, I share my top tip on how to have a guilt-free Easter weekend. This is something I do every time I go out for a meal or eat more than usual and it really does help to maintain your weight. Have a lovely Easter...
by Becky Bounce | Mar 14, 2016 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
This week, I’m giving you my top tips on what to eat & drink when you go out for a meal and you’re trying to lose weight or maintain weight. It’s ok to have a bit of what you fancy – as long as it is in moderation and you’re doing the...
by Becky Bounce | Mar 7, 2016 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
This week’s video tells you what to eat before and after you run in order to energise and refuel. It’s really important to get this right so you have the energy to run to the best of your ability and recover in time for your next session. Try it this...