by Becky Bounce | Jan 27, 2014 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
At this time of year we often look for a quick fix to help lose weight after Christmas and turn to a fad diet for fast results. Most ‘diets’ are extreme and only good in the short term – before you fall off the wagon and give in to your favourite...
by Becky Bounce | Jan 20, 2014 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve talked about how to get motivated this year (by setting goals) and how to find the time to achieve those goals (by devising a plan of action). This week, I am going to teach you how to start achieving your goals. The chances...
by Becky Bounce | Jan 13, 2014 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
Last week, I got you motivated to make positive changes to your health & wellbeing by setting goals. Did you set some yourself? If not, catch up by following my step by step guide from last week. If you have set your goals the chances are you’ll have been...
by Becky Bounce | Jan 12, 2014 | Helpful Exercise & Nutrition Advice
Happy New Year!If you are just returning to work after the holidays then this week will probably be a bit of a shock to system for you. Hopefully by now though you’ve had a chance to think about what 2014 has in store for you and perhaps you’ve set some...