Last week, I asked you to start thinking about what goals you want to achieve before C*****mas (still can’t say that word until at least next month!)

And this week I want to delve deeper in to those goals and ask an important question that will hopefully help you to stay motivated and focused on those goals.

That question is… WHY?

Why do you want to get fitter/lose weight/more toned/lose inches? What will this help you to do that you can’t do now? How will it make you feel? How will it improve your life?

There’s always a reason WHY and usually it’s a personal one so I don’t want to put my thoughts in your mind but here’s my reasons why I want to achieve my goals so you can see how I keep myself motivated and focused on my own goals.

My 1st goal: Manchester Half Marathon in sub 1hr 30m (October 15th 2017)

Why: I will get a ‘Championship’ start place at the London Marathon next year which means I get to race the marathon with other club runners and feel like a proper athlete again. I want to push myself to achieve something that is a challenge for me and feel proud when I achieve it.

My 2nd goal: Lose 6lbs (October 15th 2017)

Why: This is my preferred race weight and I will run fastest at that weight and have a better chance of achieving the above goal. Oh and I also want to be able to wear any clothes I like and feel confident when I look in the mirror or have my photo taken.

My two goals and motivational whys help get me out of bed at 6am and whenever I’m not feeling like I want to get up I just remember the bigger picture and WHY I started in the first place and because I really want to feel like a ‘proper’ athlete again – and then I get on with it!

So this week, spend some time figuring out WHY you want to achieve your goals too.

Note: This advice is suitable for beginner level upwards, but please consult your GP or physiotherapist if you are unsure about any potential contraindications.

onesixeight: fitness provides Personal Training in Loughborough and online for men & women who want to get fit, tone up & feel more confident. Use the contact page to get in touch 🙂