Last week, I talked about how to burn fat and get a six pack and this week I continue the bikini body theme with my favourite exercises for toning the bum.

There’s no doubt about it, The Squat is the best exercise for toning your bum and it works the legs too. Squats can be done anywhere at anytime and you don’t always need equipment. There are lots of variations and progressions so you’ll never get bored of doing squats.

Follow my guide of how to do a basic squat:

Squat side2

  • Keep the weight in your heels (check you can wiggle your toes)
  • Hips, knees and toes forward
  • Head and chest up, back straight
  • Lower down to a 90 degree angle at the knees
  • Focus on keeping knees pointing forward (over your toes) not inwards
  • Imagine your trying to push your feet apart but without actually moving them
  • Breathe out as you return to standing position

3 sets of 10-15 twice a day for 7 days to see and feel the difference

Once you’ve mastered the basic technique you can move on to these progressions:

  • Rest a barbell on your upper back for extra resistance and
  • Add on a shoulder press or bicep curl with dumbbells to work the upper body
  • Hold the squat at the bottom (ski squat) for as long as you can
  • Add a jump in between each squat

You can still do squats even if you have knee problems – just use a stability ball behind your back against a wall to support your lower back and take the pressure of your knees.

If you are still unsure how to do squats or you need some motivation to do them so you can tone your bum in time for summer, then you can book in for a free trial session at our new Private Gym Studio by contacting us here and we’ll show you how!