Hopefully you watched last week’s video blog and took the first steps to achieving your summer fitness, weight loss & toning goals?

If not, make sure you take a look before moving on to this week’s video as you’ll need to have followed those steps BEFORE you go forward with this week’s advice.

Remember to keep it simple and take your summer goals one step at a time. It won’t necessarily be easy (it wouldn’t be as fun if it was easy!) but it can be simple and straight forward 🙂

You’ve got plenty of time to start working on your goals too as I’m off on holiday this week! See you in a couple of weeks!

Note: This advice is suitable for beginner level upwards, but please consult your GP or physiotherapist if you are unsure about any potential contraindications.

onesixeight: fitness provides Personal Training in Loughborough and online for men & women who want to get fit, tone up & feel more confident. Use the contact page to get in touch 🙂