When I won the Loughborough Half in 2012 – the year I sponsored the race, helped to organise it, lead the warm up and helped my clients train for it – I actually had no idea how fit I was or that I was capable of smashing my personal best time by 12 minutes!

Looking back, I know I trained really hard – I was running 70-100 miles every week in the winter and lots of hill sprints and interval training from January-March. I don’t think I could’ve trained much harder, which is always a nice thought to have because I know I gave it my best and got the best result.

Hopefully you’ve put the effort in to your training and as race-day approaches you are feeling positive too. You’re perhaps feeling nervous especially if this is your first Half Marathon, but nerves can be a good thing – it shows that the race is important to you and that will help you get to the finish line.

With only a short time to go before the race, there’s very little training you can do now to help you improve because the body won’t have enough time to adapt and recover. At this stage it’s more important to rest and let your mind & body prepare for the race.

Ideally you’ll have got up to at least the 10-mile distance before attempting a half marathon, but it’s not the end of the world if you haven’t. If you can comfortably run 6 miles and you’re a very determined person then you should get round just fine. You might need to walk a little but that’s not a problem.

In the week before the race try some active recovery for example cycling, swimming or walking just at a moderate intensity. On the day before, you should limit time spent on your feet so your legs are well rested.

You should also eat plenty of complex carbohydrates such as oats, rice, pasta or potatoes so you are fuelled for the race. Pasta or rice salad with cherry tomatoes & red pepper pesto is my favourite pre-race meal.

Avoid eating anything different to usual in the two or three days before the race so you don’t get tummy troubles. Drink lots of water and avoid alcohol or too much caffeine so you don’t end up dehydrated.

Go to bed on time so you’re not tired on race day. If you’re finding it difficult to sleep because you’re worrying about the race, try to visualise yourself crossing the finish line like it’s already happened. Keep this thought in your mind and tell yourself you can do it and you will!

On the morning of the race I get up at least 2 hours before the start and drink lots of water and eat porridge with banana, walnuts & honey. I attach my race number to my vest with 4 pins (so it’s not flapping about) and I always wear kit that I know I feel comfortable running in. You don’t need fancy trainers – just make sure that you’ve worn them in and they won’t give you blisters.

You should aim to be at the start area about 30 minutes before so you can get warmed up and you’re not stressing about being late. You might need the toilet before the start and there is always a queue so you may need to get there even earlier or find a convenient bush!

When you’ve de-layered and you’re ready to start just try to relax. Think positively, focus on the challenge ahead and remember why you’re doing the race in the first place – maybe you’re running for charity or perhaps you’re challenging yourself or perhaps it was a bet – whatever your reason you’ve put the hard work in so now enjoy it!

My final tip is to ‘Smile for the first mile’ – i.e. don’t set off like Usain Bolt like everyone else because you sure won’t finish like him if you do!