Over the past few weeks, I have asked you to think about WHAT goals you want to achieve before C*****mas (can’t say that word until at least September!) and WHY you want to achieve those goals. Knowing WHY you want to get fitter, lose weight or improve your health is really important because it will be a big motivating factor when the hard work sets in and you’re not sure if it’s worth carrying on.
Well, if your goals are important enough and your WHY is big enough then it will be worth it!
So this week, feeling motivated & focused on what you want to achieve and why, I want you to think about HOW you are going to achieve your goals over the next 3 months. I want you to come up with a plan of action so that when the kids go back to school next week you are ready to go.
For example your goal is “to get fitter” you’ll need to exercise x3-5 sessions per week to achieve this goal.
Points to consider in your action plan.
- What kind of fitness would you like to work on? (Cardio, strength, flexibility etc). This will determine what you actually do in those 3-5 exercise sessions
- What activities do you enjoy?
- What level of fitness/ability are you at currently?
- Any injuries to consider?
- What facilities do you have available to you?
- What time & money are you willing to invest?
- How can you start this activity – do you need to sign up/send an enquiry?
- Do you have the right clothing & equipment?
- Will I need childcare?
- When am I going to start?
Looking at this list you’re probably put off at even starting because even the planning seems like hard work, but actually some of these questions have really straightforward answers or at least they can have if you WANT to find a solution to a problem.
And the sooner you start answering these questions and planning HOW to achieve your goals, the sooner you can actually start taking action rather than procrastinating. So let that be your homework this week… Come up with an action plan to achieve your goals and start taking action.
And just ask if you need any help with your planning!
Note: This advice is suitable for beginner level upwards, but please consult your GP or physiotherapist if you are unsure about any potential contraindications.
onesixeight: fitness provides Personal Training in Loughborough and online for men & women who want to get fit, tone up & feel more confident. Use the contact page to get in touch 🙂