In the final part of my How to Get More Focused, More Organised & More Successful blogs I am going to recap the steps I need you to take if you want to be more successful at achieving your goals this summer and add my final thoughts before our next workshop called Get Fitter, More Energised & More Confident, which is taking place this week (Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd July).

Step 1 – Set your SMART goals

Step 2 – Discover your obstacles

Step 3 – Make your new beliefs

Step 4 – Take the first step

Now you’ve got your SMART goals and you’ve started to overcome your obstacles by challenging old beliefs and creating new ones, you’re ready to start taking some BIG action. In next week’s blog I will be talking about exactly what action to take but today I just want to get you fired up and ready to go when I say go.

My mentor refers to this stage as the Scary Sh*t Zone because it’s true – it can be a bit scary. This is the point when all the excuses start because up until now we’ve only thought and talked about taking action and we’ve still been sat in our nice little comfort zone. Unfortunately, no BIG successes happen in our comfort zone so we need to take the brave and bold decision to take the leap of faith.

Can you think back to a time when you’ve set a goal before and never achieved it? Perhaps it was a similar goal to the one you’ve set now and what happened was you got all fired up to start going to the gym or start running or eating healthily and then just as you were about to do it you got overwhelmed and stepped back to your nice happy comfort zone and didn’t change a thing.

You probably started reassuring yourself that actually you don’t NEED to lose weight and you’re happy not being able to fit in those nice skinny jeans. And you didn’t WANT to do the Half Marathon anyway so you’ve actually done yourself a favour by not starting… Well that’s a load of rubbish! You wouldn’t have set the goals in the first place if you didn’t want to achieve them.

It’s ok that you did that in the past because we’ve all done it and you didn’t know what I’ve taught you over the past few weeks, but just promise me you’re not going to make the same mistake this time?

This week, to get you ready and open to the idea of stepping OUT of your comfort zone, I want you to make a list of 25 things you can do you achieve your goal(s).

Don’t overthink it – just write them down as they come into your head. Even if you’ve done said thing before and it’s not worked for you, or if you’ve never done it before and you wouldn’t know where to start or you’ve heard friends say good and bad things about it – just write every idea/option down.

If you are coming to our Get Fitter, More Energised & More Confident workshops this week please bring this list with you. If you’re not then just keep hold of it until next week’s blog where we’ll be using this list to write your action plan.

Any questions, just ask 🙂