Last week, I taught you that we need to have Our Thoughts (conscious mind) + Our Beliefs (sub conscious mind) + Our Actions (what you do on a daily basis) aligned in order to be successful and achieve our goals and your homework was to identify your beliefs that could be limiting your success.

If you haven’t done the homework you can catch up by downloading the list of statements Discovering obstacles and circle the ones that apply to you so we can start focusing on how to overcome the obstacles you have identified.

And that’s what we are going to do this week…

Firstly, have the list of beliefs that you circled in front of you and you’ll need a blank sheet of paper too. On the blank sheet of paper you should write down the opposite of all of the beliefs that you circled – for example:

  • ‘I’m too disorganised’ becomes ‘I am an organised person’
  • ‘I’m no good at dieting’ becomes ‘I am good at eating healthy’
  • ‘You can’t be a good parent and be in shape, something has to give’ becomes ‘I am a very good parent and have all the time in the world to keep fit’

And try to start each new belief with ‘I am…’ so they will have more emphasis.

Once you have the list of new beliefs you need to stand in front of the mirror and say each of them 6 times to yourself. You might feel most comfortable doing this when you are on your own because I want you to really get into it and say them with passion.

As we said last week, beliefs are formed from past events or experiences or are passed down to us from people around us. In order to create a belief it needs to have repetition, emphasis and authority behind it or else it won’t stick. So to create our new beliefs you need to repeat the mirror exercise every day, say them with passion and ask someone who you consider to have authority (perhaps your boss, mentor or personal trainer) to say them to you once a week too.

So this week homework is to do this everyday for 1 month. Keep a diary of how your beliefs change throughout the month and also how your emotions, actions and success changes as a result. It’s not an easy process but it is 100% essential that we work on changing your limiting beliefs if you want to achieve your health, fitness & weight loss goals.

Keep me updated too 🙂