Step 1: set clear goals
Step 2 believe and expect that you will achieve those goals
Step 3: stop getting in your own way
Step 4: take the first step to achieve those goals
As a result of doing all 4 steps = a happier, healthier and more confident you
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Step 1
Write down 3 goals – they can be health, fitness, weight loss. They can be short, medium or long term. They can be whatever you want. Then in the space below that write down why you want to achieve each of those.
Think about what you want. Make it measurable. Agree it with the people around you and talk about it afterwards. Make sure it’s realistic but a bit of a challenge for you. And set a deadline too.
Step 2
You have to believe you can achieve the goals you just set. You have to expect you will get the results you want.
Do any of the following limiting beliefs apply to you? If they do, you need to work on changing this belief by saying the opposite. E.g. Now IS the time to achieve all of my goals and more! or I know EVERYTHING I need to know about achieving my goals
Go through each of these limiting beliefs one by one and ask yourself if you agree:
I don’t have the right personality to succeed
I can’t keep up
I lack focus. I’m not worth it
Now is not the time
I will get overwhelmed
I can’t have it all
I don’t have what it takes
I don’t know enough
I don’t have enough time
I’m a failure
I have to be fake for people to like me
I can’t do this
I’m no good at dieting
I can’t handle more things to do
Who am I to be successful?
I don’t have all the answers
I won’t be able to handle extra commitments
I’ll have to do a half-hearted job
I will spread myself too thin
I don’t deserve this
This is hard work
It will all be taken away when I get it
I can’t afford to get help
I don’t have money to spend on myself
I am already too busy
I am too disorganised
I am not motivated enough
I won’t enjoy it
It won’t work for me
I won’t be able to have a life
What if people laugh at me?
I will have to work too hard to succeed
People won’t like me if I am successful
It can’t be easy, it must be hard
I might have to give up too much time
I have kids, I have to put them first
What if I get good results and then loose it all?
I can’t be a good parent and be in good shape, something has to give.
Who do I think I am anyway?
My partner will leave me if I am fitter than him
What will my family think?
What will my friends think?
I never succeed so why even bother?
Step 3
To help you to stop getting in your own way of success, I want you to answer the following questions as best you can. Then look through your answers and if you think your actions are helping you achieve your goals then great! If not, you need to take note and make a change. If you’re not sure, ask me!
What time did you go to bed last night?
What time did you get up this morning?
What did you eat for dinner last night?
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
How much exercise did you do last week roughly?
Have you exercised today (yes or no)?
When was the last time you went for a walk (a purposeful walk, so you went out for a walk as long as you chose to watch rather than shopping or you had to walk somewhere where you would have walked anyway)?
When did you last treat yourself with food or drink (meaning when did you last reward yourself because you worked hard/deserved a treat)?
When did you last cancel an exercise session?
When was the last time you complimented yourself (either internally in your head or verbalised it)?
When was the last time you put yourself first (a conscious decision to do this, so you chose to do the thing for yourself even if someone else wanted you to do something)?
When was the last time before today that you thought about your goals?
When was the last time you invested in achieving your goals (this can be time or money but when did you make a significant investment to achieving your goals)?
Step 4
I want you to commit to taking one step in the right direction to achieving your goals in the next 24 hours. Change one of your unhelpful actions or one of your limiting beliefs or get clearer on your goals. Just take the first step and then the next positive step and the next and then the next until you have achieved your goals!
And as a result of doing all 4 steps = a happier, healthier and more confident you! 🙂