In this week’s video blog, I talk about achieving what I think is the most important of all the goals I’ve talked about – HEALTH GOALS!

If you want to FEEL better from day 1 then just watch the video, take on board my advice and start taking positive actions to improve your health. It really is that simple.

You just have to START and then KEEP doing it for a few weeks to make it part of your lifestyle and I promise you’ll feel so much better for it.

Here are some of the benefits of improving your health:

Feeling happier & more positive

Less illnesses

Increased life expectancy

Feeling more energised

Living life to the full!

If those benefits don’t convince you to start being healthier then I don’t know what will!

Click on the video above to find out how to get started with your health goals this week.

Next week: I will be rounding up all my summer top tips

And if you need any extra advice or support please do send me a message so I can help you to achieve your goals and feel great in time for summer!

Note: This advice is suitable for beginner level upwards, but please consult your GP or physiotherapist if you are unsure about any potential contraindications.

onesixeight: fitness provides Personal Training in Loughborough and online for men & women who want to get fit, tone up & feel more confident. Use the contact page to get in touch 🙂