Over the past few weeks, I have been thinking about food even more than usual, as I set up my new venture onesixeight: energy (launching January 2019!)

So in this week’s video blog, I share some of my thoughts on healthy eating and making positive food choices so you can feel energised & healthy.

Click here on the video above to watch the video blog and please do get in touch if you have any specific questions or would like to discuss how we can help you.

Stay tuned for more onesixeight: energy info too!

Note: This advice is suitable for beginner level upwards, but please consult your GP or physiotherapist if you are unsure about any potential contraindications.

onesixeight: fitness provides Personal Training in Loughborough and online for men & women who want to get fit, tone up & feel more confident. Use the contact page to get in touch 🙂