Today we are going to be talking about how to get healthier, have more vitality and feel happier at home and at work and this is part 1 of my 3 part series on this topic. Today we are going to be talking about step 1 of the 4 steps and that is getting clarity.
So getting clarity means setting goals. When we set goals they need to be SMART goals as I have talked about before. This we took a little bit further, we did a bit more detail on getting clarity. Rather than just thinking about the goals, we were trying to visualise the outcomes as well. So not just saying I want to lose weight, and saying how much weight you want to lose and when you want to lose it by. We started to think about how you would feel once you have lost that weight and achieved that goal. What sort of clothes will you be wearing, where will you be hanging out, who will you hanging out with, what sort of foods will you be eating, what sort of schedule will you have each day?
That helped for us to get clarity to get why you want to achieve the goals that you want to achieve. Not just losing weight, if it is a fitness goal you might be able to visualise yourself being able to run around with your children, you might want to join a netball team, or enter some race. You might want to visualise yourself finishing that race or being able to play a full netball match. Whatever it is you should be able to visualise yourself being that fitter person that you want to be, or that lighter person if you want to lose weight, or that more toned up person if you want to tone up.
Maybe that it is you want to wear your bikini on holiday and feel confident. You will have a big smile on your face, you will be with all your friends and they will all be in similar shape and you will feel good around them and you will be able to eat some holiday foods and drink more alcohol and things like that because you have worked hard leading up to the holiday.
So that was about getting clarity so what I would like you to do this week is to start thinking about your goals, but also what about your goals is it that you want to feel like? Why do you want to feel like that? How will you feel when you do feel like that? How will you know when you have achieved your goal? Will you be happy, will you be more confident, will you be smiling every day, and will you jump up and have much more energy? So that is your homework for this week, I want you to get clearer about what it is about your goals that excites you.
Next week we will be talking about what actions you need to be taking to start achieving those goals and feeling like the person you want to be.