The final step is step 4; you have this on your Activity Sheet.  This is something I want you to remember all the time… Over this side is your comfort zone, we all love our comfort zone, you might be in it, maybe not right now as you are being talked to by me but before you came here when you were just going to work, being in your nice comfortable home, you go to work and you know what we are going to do when we get to work so that is you in your comfort zone, it feels comfortable.  When we take a step, or before we get to the step, this point here when you are on the verge of breaking through into the scary zone, guess what happens here?  What we start doing here before you come through is before we move back we make excuses.  We have fear of stepping through into there so we start saying ‘oh no, I can’t do that’.  I want to achieve my goals but I can’t do that today because I haven’t got the time.  I want to achieve my goals so I am going to start going to the gym, but oh no I can’t the kids need me at home.  All the excuse making is because you are scared, you are scared of going into there, that bit is scary.

This isn’t a true representation of how this timeline should look because actually that bit is probably more like there, it’s probably a bit bigger as we spend most of our lives in our comfort zones unfortunately.  The scary zone is actually a lot smaller, once you have got over that initial fear, it’s almost like a plaster, when you rip it off it feels like ‘oh no it’s going to hurt’, you do it and you say ow but then fine.  It’s short lived, so actually if we can just understand that it is going to feel a bit crap for a little bit but I am just going to push through and then it will get better, then you do that.

Quantum leap again is probably half the size of that in comparison and as a result you will get confidence, happiness, health, high levels of fitness, fulfilment and massive breakthroughs.  So this bit here you need to step out of more often. It’s a cycle as well so to get here that all of a sudden becomes your comfort zone, your new level of comfort then you need to get into the scary zone again for short term scariness and fear just before the quantum leap.

So you have to break down to break through and do that quantum leap and you get the positive benefits at the end there.

Think about when you last ‘broke down’ – when things were not exactly going to plan. For example, you got ill, had an injury, didn’t have any money, you had a bad day at work, you lost your job etc. Each of those things HAD TO HAPPEN in order for you to break-through and change your life for the better. If your life hasn’t got better since the break-down then you haven’t come out the other side yet because, trust me, you WILL breakthrough eventually – just have faith in the process 🙂