Step 1: getting focused. We are thinking about your goals so it is all very personal to you, don’t think about someone else’s goals, it has got to be specific to you. You are going to think about today what you want to achieve. I assume is fitness, health and weigh loss by the fact that you are here in this room today but it doesn’t have to be, it can be anything you want to achieve in life.
So you have to think about what it is you want to achieve, we talked about SMART goals so making it specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed. So what you want to achieve, how you are going to measure it, when by, and it’s realistic and well and you are accountable to someone else, me or a friend or a colleague or something like that. They need to be SMART goals but then we are going to think a little bit more in depth about why you want to achieve what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve what you want to achieve, who has already got the results that you want to get so you can visualise it.
We talked last night about someone wanted to run a 10k so they had to think about who they already know that can run a 10k and is a good role model to take advice from so we can look up to that person, they can inspire us, and also so we can take shortcuts as well. You can ask that person, how did you do it, or how did you get into it, what challenges have you faced, how can I overcome those challenges and things. Also you then have that visualisation as you know that person and you can quite clearly see they are a normal person and they can run 10 kilometres and I am a normal person and can run 10 kilometres so you can do, if they have you can do it.
So think about those things, why is really important as you have got to put some kind of emotional feel to it, why it is important for you to achieve that goal, there is no point setting a goal to run 10k if you really hate running and you are not that bothered about being able to run it. Don’t try and steal someone else’s goal, think about what you are really wanting to achieve and why you want to achieve it. And how we get even better results than the person that you already know because you are so determined how you can go one step further than they have. Whether it is lose a little bit more weight, or feel a little bit more confident when you get there. Whether it is run a 10k in a faster time etc and things like that. So we are going to start on getting you focused first of all.
Your homework this week is to set 3 health, fitness and/or weight loss goals that excite you!
You can download the Activity Sheet to help you set your goals