Today, we are going to be trying to get through some of those excuses that you make when it comes to starting a new exercise programme, or a new healthy eating programme and achieving any goals, they don’t have to be health, fitness or weight loss related.  It could be anything to do with work or just life in general and how we always try and make excuses to try and stop ourselves from making changes and being a better version of ourselves.

Just to recap from presentations that we have done over the last few months, this is some of the information combined, I always try and do this in a nice nutshell, just a few simple steps as that is really how it is.  There is obviously a lot of information that they give around the steps but generally it comes down to very simple clear steps that you just need to follow and just doing that consistently enough will get you to your goal.  So what we looked at over the last few months was about setting clear goals, this is always number one, the first thing is you need to know what you want to achieve and also why you want to achieve it.

Step 2 is always make a plan of action so this is the same for fitness, the same for weight loss, the same for nutrition, anything you need to know about how you are going to go about achieving those goals.

Step 3 was taking the first step so we have done a lot of work on actually coaching you into making that first step.  Whether that is signing up for a race if your goal is fitness.  Wether that is joining a gym if that is what you want to do.  Whatever is going to help you achieve your goal you need to make sure that you commit yourself and take that first step to achieving it.

Step 4 is being consistent, so just doing all of those things, thinking about your goals consistently, applying the plan of action consitently, taking the first step, taking the next step and the next step, keep taking that one step at a time.  We talked about how it was and always about running before you can walk, not always literally.  It doesn’t have to always be thinking about the end or the step after the first one, it is just taking that first step, doing the first thing that you need to do to start achieving your goals.  As a result you will become more focused, feel confident and feeling happier 100% of the time.

If anyone came to those workshops last time over the past few months then hopefully you started applying some things that we talked about and then started seeing results as well.

 So we will move onto this months’ presentation – how to stop making excuses:

Step 1 – getting focused

Step 2 – avoiding snowflake syndrome

Step 3 – facing the fear

Step 4 – getting comfortable being uncomfortable

As a result of doing all 4 of those things at the same time, not just one of them, but all 4 of them together = becoming a better version of you so I will give you the information on how you go about doing each of those steps today.

Come back next week to find out how you can start getting focused on achieving your health, fitness & weight-loss goals.